events main gallery | 07.08-12.10.08

All colours permitted as long as they don't interfere with business

publications catalogues/books | 2008

‘All colours permitted as long as they don't interfere with business’ ‘(…) A didactic dimension will not be absent from this exhibition. It is, above all, a lesson in looking. We no longer think ‘object’. We are... 

The exhibition ‘All Colours Are Authorised Unless They Interfere in Commerce’  is asking about the use of colours in producing various functional objects. What are the criteria of selecting colours and how can this selection influence the society? Which colours are ‘advisable’ and which are recommended for particular purposes? How do they shape our visual culture and our everyday environment? How are evolving our colour preferences?
We are interested in colours used in the mass production of various objects. The exhibition shows the output of those artists who do appropriate colour industrial products as the material/matter of their art, carrying them into a different context, namely the art context.
What poetics and what thoughts can be transferred to us by artists in such a functional situation? What is the relation between their works and colourful products of mass production? How can the country of origin of an artist influence the reception of colour?
We decided to organize an international exhibition, since numerous artists from various countries are searching for answers to these questions, creating public works, installations, integrations and objects of their own. The title of the exhibition can suggest one of the possible answers.

Curator: Wodek, Atelier 340 Muzeum