catalogue ‘Jerzy Wroński — pictures/reliefs, metamorphic watercolours and soot graphs’

year of publication: 2010
size: 18 x 27 cm
120 pages
edition: 500 pieces
binding: softcover
reproductions in colour
languages: Polish/English
graphic design: Katarzyna Goczoł, Magdalena Piwkowska
publisher: BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice
ISBN 978-83-88254-59-8
Tadeusz Wiktor ‘Wroński’s Way of Imaging Entropy’
Pictures-reliefs, works of the 60s
Metamorphous watercolours, works of the 70s
Sootgraphs, works of the 8os, 90s
Price: 10 zł (about 2,5 euro)
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Jerzy Wroński — pictures-reliefs, metamorphic watercolours, and soot graphs Jerzy Wroński — Professor of plastic arts, the graduate of the faculty of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. As early as during his studies...

The retrospective catalogue of a renowned Silesian artist. It is a compendious presentation of the artist's works completed within the last 30 years. Jerzy Wroński's first extensive monographic publication, which includes an overview of works from all periods of his artistic activity.
“It is commonly held that significant discoveries, both in science and art, do happen accidentally. Personally I don’t share this view. To foresee or intuitively sense in any area of creation the importance of phenomenon we call an accident, one should be previously and thoroughly prepared for such a discovery. The life of art and science stale constantly confirms this truth, from one discovery to another and from one work to another. I don’t agree even with the very originator of ‘soot-photography’, when he says that he discovered that creative method by accident. Many years of creative experiences of the artist were needed for the discovery of that photo-method of painting to happen in his cottage at Krzywe. The author writes about that event as follows, ‘On one evening I broke the lampshade. Something induced me to immerse a piece of glass in the water and then to place it in the flame of a candle. In result of the clash between two elements, fire and water, a sudden storm did happen. Something started to occur, live, move, and transform… This attracted my attention and I repeated the experiment with a flat piece of glass. Then I tried to enlarge the resulted image with a photographic enlarger. I noticed an unusually interesting structure which can be fully observed just after the enlargement.’
It results from the above that the discovery of the way of creating the sootgraphs was not any groping for the method; it was done methodically, step by step, and with the absolute sense of experimentalist. Jerzy Wroński had used this sense already during finding the unconventional techniques for creating Pictures-Reliefs, Archaeological Landscapes, and Diffusion Drawings.
On his Pictures-Reliefs Wroński says, ‘Neither figuration nor abstraction was on my mind at the time; I simply treated that process as a training of my abilities.’”
Tadeusz Wiktor
‘Wroński’s Way of Imaging Entropy’