publications catalogues/books | 2008

catalogue with Paweł Warchoł's drawings and graphics

events main gallery | 16.10-16.11.08

Paweł Warchoł — graphics and drawings Epiphany begins always in the shadow of a scar ‘Even though for many years he has cultivated painting, photography, printmaking, applied graphics and... 

‘Even though for many years he has cultivated painting, photography, printmaking, applied graphics and poster art, Paweł Warchoł is best known and well appreciated in the world for his drawings. For him this medium has become a natural means of expression and the way of articulating his own seeing of the reality. He has presented his drawings at over 300 group and 50 solo exhibitions, what — taking his age into account– is quite a big achievement.
Paweł Warchoł’s works that have come into being during the past two decades can be grouped into several branched thematic and problem cycles. All of them are linked together by an unusual precision, perfect skills, and the desire to treat models — both those real and those phantasmagorical — in an illusionistic way. His drawings made with ink on carton are at the same time an exploration of what’s visible and what’s invisible. The three-dimensional effect and enormous reverence towards the detail could apparently indicate his designs for reproducing the territory by means of a map. Such aspirations, of course, are not the case of Paweł Warchoł. Since the first presentation in public, his works have shown that he is an exceptionally mature artist, conscious of his medium, and perfectly knowing that such a kind of attempts is, in fact, foredoomed to failure. This is the reason why he doesn’t follow the route outlined by Hyperrealists. (…)’

Roman Lewandowski
Piece of text from exibition's catalogue.