looking for order in Ewa Zawadzka's painting

year of publication: 2002
size: 20 × 29 cm
volume: 132 pages
binding: hardcover
reproductions in colour
languages: Polish/English
publisher: BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice
ISBN 83-88254-16-2
Price: 4 zł (about 1 euro)
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Ewa Zawadzka's art is characterised by consistency and essentiality achieved using sophisticated technical means that go beyond superficial perfectionism. The fundamental identity, unique and recognisable quality of her art, as well as subjective vivid language — whose powers of persuasion draw on strict formal discipline — reveal the artist's predisposition to searching for order in an uncertain realm of sight.
Zawadzka creates her works in a very rigorous manner, and the strict principle of order stems from the unusual precision in the realisation of her projects, which are always cogent and masterly compositions.
The publication includes texts by Dorota Folga-Januszewska, Marek Meschnik, Bożena Kowalska and Jurgen Weichardt.
The last pages of the book contain the artist's biography, followed by a list of individual and group exhibitions, as well as awards, and a bibliography.