events main gallery | 24.02-27.03.12

Days, Months, Years... — a jubilee exhibition of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers

Days, Months, Years...
How did we come into being? Is it possible to specify this key moment in time, this impulse that led to the rise of the Katowice branch of the Union of Polish Artists and Designers (ZPAP)? Who said Let's do it? How many people followed up and how did it all come into being?
The exhibition includes works by deceased artists from the Katowice area, and some amongst these authors are the ones that we are asking about right now. The others followed up, thus creating a union of artists which has now lasted for 65 years. Kilometers of painted canvas, hectares of graphic prints, tons of used clay. This is how six and a half decades of artistic activity in Silesia might be summed up in calculations made by some insane statistician. But it is really hundreds of exhibitions, thousands of meetings, hours of debates about art, copious notes, articles, plenty of polemics, and audience appreciation or even delight — these are the measures of this group's achievements. In this exhibition we meet the artists who have passed away, leaving their heritage, as well as the ones who have taken over, transforming it into a new and modern picture.
It is this timespan that we had in mind when this exhibition was conceived. It encompasses days, months and years of artistic activity which has involved hundreds of Silesian based artists and has revolved around the Katowice branch of ZPAP. It began after the war and has lasted ever since — from the First National Exhibition of the Katowice ZPAP branch to the annual Work of the Year contests.

Curators: Katarzyna Gawrych-Olender and Adam Dutkiewicz