‘A Thousand Years’ Krzysztof Żwilbris’s art intervention in urban space

When: 13 November
Free entry!
phone +48 32 259 90 40 extension number 13
or Aneta Zasucha phone +48 510 853 090

READY, STEADY, ART! — actions in Katowice urban space started in August As we follow the same route every day, we slowly blend in with the landscape and stop responding to external stimuli. To prevent this, the BWA Contemporary...

TAUZEN MONTAŻ WSPÓLNOTY (District of a 1000-year anniversary, forging a community) — these words will be put up at the Bolesław Krzywousty street, with their form and meaning alluding to the already existing yellow-lettered sign that is placed among the blocks and which spells out the name of this housing development. The artist explains his sign refers to a peculiarly understood fellowship and distinctiveness, as well as to remonstrations about the national community being de-constructed. Are the locals going to perceive its meaning the same way?
Żwirblis's intervention is the first meeting with the inhabitants of the district that will become the venue of action Social Museum planned for spring 2017.