Ireneusz Walczak paintings' — Constructing identity

year of publication: 2007
size: 29 × 23 cm
volume: 246 pages
binding: softcover
reproductions in colour
languages: Polish/English
publisher: BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice
ISBN 83-88254-41-3, 978-83-88254-41-3
Price: 15 zł (about 4 euro)
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Ireneusz Walczak paintings' — Constructing identity A human figure seen from its back, often limited only to its fragment, is the characteristic motive of works by Ireneusz Walczak. Echoes of expressionism,...

Various alter ego are functioning beside each other Walczak’s creation brings in mind Heidegger’s ‘Being and Time’ and ‘Being-in-the-World’. In the works presented at the exhibition, the artist asks about identity. There’s no unequivocal answer to this question. Everyone is responsible for his own identity, for his choices and for building the sense of life.
Problems of identity imply the fundamental questions of existence, including decision taking, time, and memory, which indicate at continuous process of self-creation, and continuous reinterpretation of our own ‘I’ under the influence of occurring circumstances. Ireneusz Walczak’s painting is a kind of psychoanalysis of contemporary man. The presence of the body image in the artist’s creation in times of digitalisation which seems to invalidate it, makes us remember that it’s inscribed in human identity.