Józef Budka — Graphic and Drawing

year of publication: 1999
size: 255 × 270 mm
volume: 80 pages
binding: softcover
reproductions in colour
languages: Polish/English
graphic design and typesetting: Adam Romaniuk
publisher: BWA Contemporary Art Gallery
ISBN 83-908833-6–8
List of contest:
Andrzej Pietsch
Price: 6,5 zł
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‘Józef Budka's visions are full of metaphors which are sufficiently intriguing to stimulate the imagination of the viewer — partner, and proportionally indeterminate, so as to allow for personal, dissimilar (thus reflecting the partnership) interpretation. This is as important value — to let the work of art to function beyond the sphere of artist's control, outside the borders of predictability. (...)’
Andrzej Pietsch