HERE I AM — painting, drawing, graphics, sculpture, installations, multimedia — an exhibition of Silesia Creative Environment

year of publication: 2006
size: 210 × 296 mm
volume: 92 pages
binding: softcover
reproductions in colour
languages: Polish/English
graphic design and typesetting: Arleta Guździoł
publisher: Związek Polskich Artystów Plastyków
ISBN 83-917013-6-0
List of contest:
Irma Kozina Creo ergo sum
Tadeusz Sławek An artist's gesture
Łucja Ginko
Henryk Waniek
Marian Oslislo
Henryk Bzdok
Tomasz Jura
Silesia Creative Environment
Tym którzy odeszli
Katarzyna Gawrych-Olender Gleams
Price: 4 zł
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‘Sixty years of the Artists' Association in Silesia, as well as a decade of the 100th anniversary jubilee of the Polish Artists' Association, have encouraged the regional board to review whatever is happening at present in art in our region. Jubilees provide an opportunity of an artistic manifestation for artists who are and are not ZPAP members — all those who work here and create their paintings, sculptures, designs, teach students or work as cultural animators. They largely determinate the rank of our region on the country's cultural scale and co-form the image and aesthetic shape of the agglomeration. It is also an occasion for a meeting of the artistic community, re-stablishing broken contact and old friendships. The time we live in and its conditionresult in atomising the community. We meet quite seldom, usually at an occasion of large artistic events. Thus the motto of the exhibition — HERE I AM. So here I am — in the sphere of human experience, in the sense of understanding things and phenomena: constanly, uninterruptedly present in all events, in consciousness of mind, human memory and results of artistic work. It is a contradiction in term to say Here I am without realising one's position, the situations which the fate had visited upon us, circumstances and relations with the world. And, which is extremely important, we should make the society, as well as the deciders and politicians realise the roleof an artist, designer and art teacher in our life.’
Tomasz Jura