creative text writing workshops (Creative writing)
Place: BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice
Contact us if you want to take part or have any question:
phone +48 32 259 90 40 extension number 13
or Aneta Zasucha phone +48 510 853 090
READY, STEADY, ART! — actions in Katowice urban space started in August As we follow the same route every day, we slowly blend in with the landscape and stop responding to external stimuli. To prevent this, the BWA Contemporary...
Loesje's aim is to encourage people to think creatively and realise they are able to influence the surrounding world. Loesie’s workshops promote freedom of expression, motivate to social activism, creativity and critical attitude toward reality.
Now Loesje is an international movement, which was initiated by Dutch woman called Loesje. In Poland, Loesje run creative text writing workshops for children, teenagers and adults, and actions in public spacer.
During workshops participants will write short texts about issues that seem to be important and interesting to them. With these texts we later create simple black and white posters.
More about Loesje