MOSAIC workshops — elaborate images assembled from (thousands of) tiny cubic pieces
The dates, times and themes of these workshops are:
23th July, 10 am, 2016
The mosaic workshop at our gallery's Art Club is an opportunity to make your own unique decorations. The fun starts with making the design and learning to cut glass, and you are bound to find yourself in a creative flow.During the first session you can make a piece that could be used as a mat or a hanging/standing ornament. Later sessions are devoted to bigger spatial forms, such as jewellery hanging organisers, picture frames, mirrors, lanterns and bowls.
Workshop instructor: Aleksandra Kajewska
Workshop Prices:
A single workshop entrance fee is 49 zł
A pass for all two workshops costs 90 zł
Place: BWA Gallery
Contact us if you want to take part or have any question:
phone +48 (32) 259 90 40 extension number 13
The BWA Gallery Art Club — artistic expression various workshops Our gallery's Art Club — artistic expression workshops, provide participants with the opportunity to become acquainted with various techniques for producing...
The decorative technique of mosaic has been known since antiquity. Elaborate images, assembled from thousands of small cubic pieces, grace the interiors of many historic buildings. Today, mosaic is present in our homes as a fashionable element in interior design.