‘Project for children’ — the winning action in contest within READY STEADY ART! project
READY, STEADY, ART! — actions in Katowice urban space started in August As we follow the same route every day, we slowly blend in with the landscape and stop responding to external stimuli. To prevent this, the BWA Contemporary...

art action contest within READY STEADY ART! project First art actions within the READY STEADY ART! project go hand-in-hand with a CONTEST. If you have an interesting idea for a performance, happening or an...

As adults we are all well aware of how important it is to know oneself and — having recognised one's own abilities and true value — to say 'I'm OK!'. Children need it too, and they are entitled to self-knowledge as much as we are. This workshop empowers them, encouraging self-reflection in a creative way. Who are they? What do they value? What can they do? During this workshop each child will create their own personal mini-book, a testament of their uniqueness. Self-knowedge is indispensable for building self-esteem. It is good to have a book like this at hand to read whenever one wants to!
Project for Children — a folding mini-book of self-knowledge — is directed at children from six to twelve years old. The workshop is based on plastic arts and elements of art therapy, which are used as tools to help a child to arrive at better self-understanding.