25th Biennial of Polish Poster in Katowice — qualified list

The ceremony of the opening including prize-giving — on Friday, 15th December at 3 p.m. Free entry, join us!

25th Biennial of the Polish Poster Katowice 2017 ‘The 25th edition of the Biennial of the Polish Poster celebrates over half a century of poster design in Katowice, thousands of artists (the celebrated...

On 26 September 2017, the qualifying committee met, with the following members present: Prof. Tadeusz Grabowski, Prof. Michał Kliś, Prof. Władysław Pluta, Prof. Roman Kalarus, Adam Dutkiewicz, Krzysztof Dydo and Dawid Korzekwa, PhD.
The following list includes the names of artists whose works have been selected for inclusion in the final competition and exhibition as part of the 25th Biennial of the Polish Poster.
Congratulations to all and wishing you the best of luck in the competition!