25th Biennial of the Polish Poster Katowice 2017

The ceremony of the opening including prize-giving — on Friday, 15th December at 3 p.m.
The Winners of the 25th Biennial of Polish Poster in Katowice
Statutory Awards
Grand Prix — Tadeusz Gustaw Wiktor Epitafium dla Kazimierza Malewicza
Gold Medal — Władysław Pluta VII Międzynarodowy Konkurs Fletowy
Silver Medal — Michał Kliś Ogaki
Bronze Medal — Mirosław Adamczyk Kamień
Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław — Paweł Ryżko Wujek ‘81
Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice — Łukasz Rayski Konstytucja
Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk — Michał Kacperczyk KONTRA Michał Kacperczyk + Studenci
Wyższa Szkoła Techniczna w Katowicach — Joanna Frydrychowicz-Janiak Kryzys twórczy
ZPAP O/Katowice — Jacek Staniszewski Mała Apokalipsa
Jan Bajtlik Celebrate The City
Monika Sojka Dydo Poster Collection
Patrycja Longawa Tłum
Marcin Dzbanuszek Elektrownia Garbary. Dokument potencjalny

25th Biennial of Polish Poster in Katowice — qualified list On 26 September 2017, the qualifying committee met, with the following members present: Prof. Tadeusz Grabowski, Prof. Michał Kliś, Prof. Władysław Pluta,...

25th Biennial of the Polish Poster Katowice 2017 — catalogue The catalogue of the 25th Biennial of Polish Poster features reproductions of the posters which received awards, and shortlisted works which were...

‘The 25th edition of the Biennial of the Polish Poster celebrates over half a century of poster design in Katowice, thousands of artists (the celebrated as well as the less well known), thousands of posters, hundreds of topics and ingenious works, and no lack of dedicated volunteers...
Since the very beginning, the Biennial has enjoyed strong links with the local art academy, not least because its teachers were the originators. One of them was Prof. Tadeusz Grabowski: the biennial was his idea and, during this jubilee edition, as in all previous editions, he has been involved in the organization, driven by a passionate belief that poster art is a truly unique form of expression.
As for the posters themselves, they have obviously changed in these last 50 years. Various topics have been explored and methods of working have evolved, while there have been advances in printing technology. Each generation of young artists has immersed itself in subtle metaphors and messages, which have been condensed into letters and images. Luckily, what remains unchanged is the fact that posters keep appearing in many artistic realizations, which makes me conclude that poster art will continue to be one of the indispensable elements of contemporary design.
The late Zbigniew Gostomski believed that the art of painting would last as long as there were colouring pigments. Paraphrasing his statement, I am convinced that poster art will last as long as there are artists who feel the need to deliver their message in this unusual way, as a narrative in the guise of artistic brevity and metaphor.’
Antoni Cygan