Fourth Publication from the Series ‘Art in/of Education’

publisher: BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice
editor: Aneta Zasucha
year of publication: 2018
size: 155 × 226 mm
84 pages
edition: 500 pieces
binding: softcover
reproductions in duotone
language: Polish
graphic design and typesetting: Jan Piechota
ISBN 978-83-66006-04-1
Thanks to the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, tis publication is distributed free of charge.
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Third Publication from the Series Art in/of Education ‘(…) We present you with the third volume of the publication series entitled Art in/of Education. As in the previous editions, contributors to...

Art (in) Education 2 — for creative parents and educators ‘Good, creative teachers/parents know how not to impede the development and expression of their children/students. They can also correctly identify the actions...

Art (in) Education — recommended for everyone interested in education through art This is a publication dedicated to those who have found their calling in education through art - not only educators, animators and teachers, but also...

Look inside (sorry, in Polish only)