Simple Gestures — exhibition preview
Bogna Bartkowiak
Karolina Breguła i mieszkańcy ulic Reja, Sienkiewicza
i Górnickiego na Ołbinie we Wrocławiu
Monika Drożyńska i Tymon Słapak
Magdalena Franczak
Grzegorz Hańderek, Grzegorz Ćwierkiewicz OP, Bartłomiej Sumara OP, Paweł Lasek OP, Przemysław Ciesielski OP, Tomasz Golonka OP
Jolanta Jastrząb, Barbara Wójcik, Iwona Szuster oraz uczestnicy warsztatów w Szpitalu dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych w Rybniku
Karolina Konopka
Dominika Kowynia i Zlata Lebedz
Barbara Kubska i Aleksandra Rajnisz-Podlaska
Małgorzata Markiewicz, Diana Lelonek, Mateusz Szczypiński, Katarzyna Garapich i Dominika Bogdan, Dominika Malec, Joanna Plis, Dorota Trysła, Dominik Róg, Mateusz Matysek, Valdimir Dubiniewicz
Olga Pałka-Ślaska i Małgorzata Gwiazdonik-Müller
Tomáš Rafa i mieszkańcy osiedli romskich Angi mlyn
w Michałowcach, Ostrowanach i Veľká Ida
Małgorzata Rozenau
Michał Smandek
Paweł i Jerzy Szeibel
Lesław Tetla
Joanna Zdzienicka, Gabriela Palicka,
Mateusz Kokot, Mikołaj Szpaczyński
Pracownia Filmu Społecznego
Pracownia Sezonowa
The project Simple Gestures attempts to answer the question of how artists can use their talents and expertise to benefit the common good. In this context, the work of art should be regarded as an introductory part of the communication process, a call to action. The invocations would permeate paintings, objects, sounds, as well as the project's titular gesture — a movement that draws attention to what is being said.
With this prescription in mind, each project participant invited someone or a group of people, with whom they would work on the script of a happening, installation, sound or visual archive, demonstration, public meeting or another event or piece. The documentation of their work reflects the conversion from art to everyday life to art and vice versa while focusing on the institution as a meeting point to exchange ideas. In this situation, the idea of authorship has dissolved on its own. The artists initiated certain processes, creating scripts for practices, which they would share with the public. They created the choreography for the community, presenting recipients with a list of activities to engage in. Suggestions included collection hobbies, saving, providing care, storytelling, filming, listening, resting, providing help, sharing and looking into the future.
Curator, PhD Marta Lisok