events main gallery | 26.04-08.06.08

Śląsk active (3) — is the spell taken off us?

publications catalogues/books | 2008

summary book of the actions cycle ‘Active Silesia’ The book ‘Active Silesia’ is a summary of the cycle of three exhibitions ‘Active Silesia’, which includes a wide range of... 

events main gallery | 8.08-3.09.2006

Śląsk active (2) — in an active, beautiful and modern way The exhibition ‘Śląsk active 2’ at the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice is the second presentation of works of the younger generation of artists, who... 

events main gallery | 11.01-27.01.05

Śląsk active (1) — has the qualities of energizing drink of same name It’s refreshing, regenerating and throwing off apathy. The project ‘Śląsk active’ results from the need of revaluation, breaking the stereotypes of two... 

After the last edition of the cycle of exhibitions ‘Śląsk active’ the creation of two artists deserve special attention because of the coherence of expression. With their output, these artists can be counted among the leaders of Polish art world. Having been connected with the region of Silesia, they seem to be deprived of the magical halo which characterizes the majority of originators that are embroiled in a romantic image of the region as a post-industrial place ‘in between’, with its artistic dullness and its secondary character in comparison to other milieus. They both – not becoming set in catchy formulas, and tunnelling their own ways – fall outside easy classifications. Being not burdened with theories, they act as if by intuition, directed mainly by the search for good fun. The common features of their creation, which include the undermining of the stable position of the viewer, the conceptuality of dealings, cinematic quality, nonchalant sloppiness and prototypal character of their objects, lag behind the monolithic creation that concentrates around the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. (...)

Marta Lisok
all text you can find in ‘Śląsk active’ book