events main gallery | 31.07-13.09.09

Labyrinth of Memory. Faces of Evil 1939-2009

publications catalogues/books | 2011

book ‘Labyrinth of Memory. Faces of Evil 1939—2009’ — reviews of the video arts presented at the exhibition The video arts were presented within the framework of the exhibition on show at the BWA Contemporary Art Gallery in Katowice and Rondo Sztuki Gallery from July... 

The exhibition is organised at the time of symbolical character, namely on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the World War Two (1939-2009), when discussions about the presence of war trauma, violence, and genocide in collective memory are undertaken anew. Simultaneously, the last decade made us realise the new threats carried by violence. Therefore it’s not an accident that the finissage of the exhibition is to be held on September 11th, at the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the towers of the Word Trade Center in New York.
Works of the most outstanding world artists of the video art are presented in Katowice. This includes as well-known originators as: Sophie Calle, Chris Doyle, Antonio Muntadas, Nam June Paik, Zbig Rybczyński, Bill Viola and Stephen Balist, the cofounder of the legendary Squat Theatre from New York. Polish artists are represented by (beside Rybczyński) Mirosław Bałka and Artur Żmijewski. The exhibition includes also the famous Europe 2 by Franciszka and Stefan Themerson.
Artists’ considerations on war don’t have an ambition of multiplying the notes on general history. During the travel through times (from the World War One up to current events) and space (Europe, the Middle East, Chile, USA, China, Korea, Vietnam) the most important questions are asked. These questions include the influence of war and terror on value systems, and the restitution of identity and incessantly threatened sense by humanity, thrown into the labyrinth of memory.
The chosen method of presentation makes an effort to meet the sensitivity of various generations of contemporary viewers, enabling to enter into dialogue also with the audience coming from outside the circle of recipients of contemporary art exhibitions. Thanks to simultaneous presentation, the show is multithread, and at the same time subordinated to a clear pictorial and dramaturgical dominant.

Marek Zieliński